Research interests
Open Macroeconomics, International Finance, Macroeconomics
"The cost of breaking an exchange rate peg: Synthetic control estimation," with Christopher Limnios, International Journal of Central Banking vol. 19, no. 3, (2023).
"Market liquidity and excess volatility: Theory and experiment," with David Munro, Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control 139 (2022): 104442.
"Revisiting the PPP puzzle: Nominal exchange rate rigidity and region of inaction," with Seongho Song, Journal of International Financial Markets, Institutions and Money 78 (2022): 101540.
"Choice of foreign exchange intervention and inflation targeting commitment," with Christopher Limnios, Finance Research Letters 46 (2022): 102402.
"Capital controls and foreign exchange market intervention," Journal of International Money and Finance 101 (2020): 102098.
Working papers
"The company you keep: Foreign investors, risk taking, and international contagion," with David Munro. (Submitted)
"The short-term cost of breaking an exchange rate peg: Event study analyses," with Christopher Limnios. (Submitted)
"Are financing constraints empirically relevant in labor search models?", with Christopher Limnios.
Work in progress
"The impact of inflation targeting policy: Synthetic control estimation," with Christopher Limnios.
"Market liquidity and the financial contagion."
"Can the Fed's corridor system divorce money from monetary policy?", with Christopher Limnios.
"An index of market-based monetary policy sentiment," with Christopher Limnios.
"Effect of capital controls in small open economy: Regional approach," with Mario Gonzalez.
"Exchange rate determination in the three-country model."
"Identification of de facto exchange regimes using structural breaks in unit-root process," with Amit Sen.
"Do stress tests affect banking sectors?: Synthetic control estimation," with Eric Fischer.
Awards / Grants
D. J. O'Conor Fellowship - Xavier University (2022-2025)
Jack and Mary Kay Downing Scholarship - Xavier University (2022-2023)
Faculty Development Leave - Xavier University (2020)
University Summer Fellowships - Xavier University (2019)
Summer Research Grants - Department of Economics, Xavier University (2018 and 2019)
CBRT 2017 Research Awards (3rd place) - Central Bank of the Republic of Turkey (2017)